

Atualizado em 06/05/2023

Sobre o curso

Objetivo: Dominar o uso da linguagem de programação Fortran e sua aplicação a problemas simples

Horário e Local das aulas

Curso: 102 FSC LIC.

Turma: 10

Disciplina: FSC1004 – Computação Básica para Física – FORTRAN

Horários: 4ª 13:30 – 15:30 e 5ª 08:30 – 10:30

Sala: Conferir no seu Departamento
Tutor: Agendar



Cronograma das Aulas

[office src=”https://portalfisica-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/p/hans/EfWscOVY_bBGmFZmHJ-DO9IBKPgLgLTdveSeH8uBGuQOxg” height=”500″ width=”99%”]


  • Aula de apresentação


  • Dentro do Ambiente Moodle de Apoio Presencial


  • A Central de Tutoria funciona das 7h30min às 21h30min, de segunda a sexta, na sala 1110, prédio 13.
  • Horário do Monitor de Fortran: Agendar


Materiais para Estudo



💡Como instalar o gfortran no Ubuntu e no Windows (Link)




  • William H. Press, Brian P. Flannery, Saul A. Teukolsky, William T. Vetterling,
  • Numerical Recipes in FORTRAN 77: The Art of Scientific Computing, cambridge University Press, 1992.
  • Larry Nyhoff and Sanford Leestma, FORTRAN 90 for Engineers and Scientists
  • Walter S. Brainerd, Charles H. Goldberg, and Jeanne C. Adams, Programmer’s Guide to F, The Fortran Company, Tucson Arizona.
  • Michael Kupferschmid, Classical FORTRAN: Programming for engineering and scientific applications, Marcel Decker, New York, Basel, 2002.
  • Hann, Brian D. Introduction to Fortran 90 for Scientists and Engineers – ISBN 0-340-60034-9
  • H. J. Lee and W. E. Schiesser, Ordinary and partial differential equation routines in C, C++, Fortran, Java, Maple, and MATLAB
  • John R. Berryhill, C++ scientific programming : computational recipes at a higher level,
  • I. M. Smith, Programming in Fortran 90 : a first course for engineers and scientists,
  • David R. Will, Advanced scientific Fortran
  • Ian D. Chivers and Jane Sleightholme, Introducing Fortran 90
  • Wilhelm Gehrke, Fortran 90 language guide
  • Peter Deuflhard, Numerical analysis in modern scientific computing : an introduction
  • Lloyd D. Fosdick An Introduction to high-performance scientific computing, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. 1996.
  • Rob Davies, Alan Rea, Dimitris Tsaptsinos, Introduction to Fortran 90 An introduction Course for Novice Programmers – Student Notes
